About Dr. Maria Montessori
Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952) was an Italian doctor, psychologist, anthropologist, philosopher, and educator who is best known for her scientific observations of human development (from birth to adolescence) and the educational philosophy and methodology that was built upon these observations- ‘The Montessori Method Of Education’.
In 1896 after becoming the first Italian woman to become a medical doctor, Dr. Maria Montessori joined the University’s psychiatric clinic and began working with children who had intellectual disabilities. Aided by the learning tools and techniques that she developed, the children learned many things that were initially considered impossible and even passed their public school examination together with normal children. With the conviction that applying similar methods to normal children would unfold their true inner potential, Dr. Maria Montessori devoted her energies to the field of education for the rest of her life. In order to prepare herself for her new role as an educator, she went back to University and studied philosophy, psychology, and anthropology.
Dr. Maria Montessori started the first ‘Cassa De Bambini’ (House Of Children) in the year 1907 for children between the ages of three and seven and later worked with older children and adolescents as well. Through unbiased scientific observation, she deduced the needs of children of different age groups and constantly experimented and created materials and activities that fulfilled these needs. She created a peaceful environment in which the children worked independently on purposeful activities of their own choice and observed their development. She saw that the children not only did their work with concentrated attention but also appeared rested, satisfied, and happy after their concentrated efforts. They showed a spontaneous interest in learning and were self-assured, self-disciplined, and indifferent to rewards and punishment. They also demonstrated a sense of community and concern for each other. Through her extensive work with children across cultures and age groups, she observed that there were certain common characteristics and needs shared by all children of a (particular age group). She built the Montessori method of education based upon an understanding of these universal characteristics and needs of children in each plane of development.
Dr. Montessori traveled the world- writing, lecturing, and establishing schools & teacher training centers. Word of Montessori’s work spread rapidly and several Montessori schools were established across the globe, one of the first in Alexander Graham Bell’s home.
The universality of Dr. Maria Montessori’s method has been proven valid and effective now for over 100 years. Though Dr. Maria Montessori conceived the method at a time when research in child psychology and neurobiology was still in a rudimentary stage, most of her educational theories are now supported by evidence from modern research in developmental psychology and neurobiology.